The Soulsville Charter School is happy to announce the creation of the first Monday Music Minute (MMM) for TSCS! The purpose of the MMM is to highlight the wonderful music education offerings at Soulsville and increase whole-school music engagement. Each Monday, we will share concert reminders, shoutouts (teachers and students), fundraising opportunities, and more with our teachers and staff.
This month, we will begin a new series of monthly in-school concerts during lunch, the Brown Bag Series (BBS). The purpose of the BBS is to uplift the arts within Soulsville USA. The BBS will provide an outlet to showcase student performers, faculty, and staff within our community. We will provide more information about these monthly performances very soon. If you would like to perform or recommend someone, please reach out to Ms. McGowen
In 2021, TSCS received a Support Music Merit Award from the National Association of Music Merchants (NAMM) for our commitment to music education. We are proud of the investment Soulsville has made toward music education over the years. As a result, our students now have access to the following courses:
Music Fundamentals (6th grade)
Orff music (6th grade)
Piano (7-12)
String Orchestra (7-12)
General Music (7-12)
Concert Band (7-12)
Jazz Band (7-12)
Pep Band (9-12)
Drumline (7-12)
Choir (7-12)
Finally, we are thrilled to present our Annual Winter Concerts (the first in over 3 years). Please mark the dates below on your calendar. We hope to see you there!
Upcoming concerts:
December 7 at 4:30 in our on-campus Get in the Zone AutoZone Gymnasium (Middle School)
December 8 at 6:00 at First Congregational Church (High School), 1000 Cooper St, 38104.
Check out our MMM VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3jyJc5jC9i4
From Music Department Instructors Demetrius Robinson, Heather Trussell, Shaman McGowan.